Friday 17 August 2018

Hide & Feed!

Recently, a breastfeeding mother from the US was told to "cover up" at a restaurant while she was on holiday. She promptly covered her face with a towel.

That was posted online and it went viral. Click on LINK to read about the post. Of course helpful netizens all over the world went crazy and had to put forth their opinion.

One particular woman strongly voiced that in order to avoid exposing the breasts in public and to avoid bringing upon oneself unwanted leering, breastfeeding mothers should either cover up with a cloth OR HIDE in a room to feed the baby.


Let me share with you what happened when I went hid in a breastfeeding room to feed a few months old baby Joel many, many years ago.

We used to live nearby a very popular and hip mall. There were plenty of changing rooms and breastfeeding rooms in this mall. We were in one of the main departmental stores when I had to feed Joel. I went into the room, closed the curtain and placed the stroller with two of it wheels exposed outside beneath the curtain (standard procedure to inform other mothers that the room is occupied). Usually they will softly ask whether the room is occupied or not if they do not see stroller wheels.

Lo and behold as I was feeding Joel, when suddenly the curtain was drawn wide opened! A man with a smug look, stood gawking at me breastfeeding my son. He stared at this breastfeeding act with wanton lust in his eyes. I was so shocked. I wanted to scream 'PERVERT!' at the top of my lungs. Trust me if I had did that, the whole departmental would have heard me even with their music blasting from their speakers. But I was afraid of frightening Joel as he was fast asleep, happily drinking from me. I was also worried that he would turn violent and attack my baby had I started to scream at him.

Lucky for me, my large blouse covered my breasts.

And then his very tired-looking wife appeared from behind him with a baby in the stroller. She had not seen me yet.

"Abang, apa kau buat?" "Husband, what are you doing?" she asked him.

I glared daggers at her the moment our eyes locked and her eyes went wide as saucers. She quickly pulled her husband away and apologised profusely as she drew the curtain close. There was still a gap between the curtain and the wall and I could see that bastard husband of hers walking away with a proud swagger while the wife hurried after him.

I cursed him that he would have erectile dysfunction from that day until to the day he dies. No Viagra or Tongkat Ali can save that dick of his.

So woman, HIDE and FEED you say? I hid and fed and yet this perverted a**hole came LEERING anyway. Cover with a cloth then? You ever tried sleeping on another person and drinking with a cloth covering your face? Can you breathe? Do you know what body heat is?

The mentality has to change. Breastfeeding is giving food for the baby. Period. That is all to it. Men with dicks as their brains must be overhauled. Women who view this as unholy and sexual need to have their brains overhauled too.

Or maybe we should tell the cows to cover up their udders too!

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