Wednesday 6 March 2013

You're A Housewife???

1. You're a housewife? WHY???


Simply because I enjoy being tortured by the slave-master called house chores.

Because I enjoy doing laundry, changing sheets, keeping laundry under the freaking hot sun and then the-never-ending folding them.

Because I enjoy cracking my brain everyday (yes, I have a brain, unlike you) to how to cook different dishes 7 days a week, 31 days a month, 12 months a year.

Because I enjoy washing dishes.

Because I enjoy washing toilet bowls.

Because I enjoy and revel in cleaning dust.
(*snigger snigger)

2. You're a housewife? You didn't finish your studies?

You're a human being? How come you don't have brains?

3. You're a housewife? But you did finish your studies right?

You mean being a housewife = stupid??

How about this equation?

Human + stupid = Walking Dead.
Solution: Just pierce the Walking Dead in the head and they'll crumble to the ground, and then uurrm, well, dead.

4. You're a housewife? WHAT??!!

You're a human being but an idiot! What!!!

5. You're a housewife? When are you returning to work?


6. You're a housewife? Wah, everyday shake legs lah! So 'good life' lah you!

The only thing that will be shaking is your head. I will shake that head of yours to check how puny your brain is (that is IF you have any.)

7. You're a housewife? You couldn't find a job???

YOU should find a job in the sewers because it suits you and that I think you're related to the dirty pests called rats.

8. You're a housewife? Are you insane????

Yes, I am insane for conversing with a moron!

9. You're a housewife? I would have been insane if I were you.

You ARE insane. There's no doubt about it.

10. You're a housewife..........................

Yes, I am a housewife. Do you have any idea what that means?

That means I keep the house running well, just like how the CEO runs a company.

I am the cleaner, the driver, the gardener, the chef, the errand boy/girl, the nurse/doctor, the shit-pee-puke cleaner, the organiser, the teacher, the everybody-rolled-into-one.

I am the person who can't take a MC when I am sick! Even when I am on MC, I still have to keep the house running. (Unlike hubby and son who do get MCs and then just swallow pills and zonk out for days.)

I am overworked, understaffed and underpaid.

I am the Chief Minister of Home Affairs!