Sunday 10 February 2013

The Year of The Snake!

Listen! Listen! Listen!

This is the Year of the Snake,
May it be smooth,
And all bad karma be removed.

This is the Year of the Snake,
Though 365 days may be long,
Let a new song slither in at the break of each dawn!

This is the Year of the Snake,
May good fortune bite you in your shins,
And your coffers never shrink.

This is the Year of the Snake,
May you develope a thicker skin,
Each and every time you shed.

This is the Year of the Snake,
Learn to be agile and flexible,
Never once hiss that life is terrible.

This is the Year of the Snake,
Sink your fangs into every opportunity that life brings you,
Let all things be anew,
And never, ever be a pet at the zoo!