Tuesday 3 June 2014

The Marionette

A jerk here. And a jerk there. A pull here. And a pull there. That was how 'he' moved. Never on 'his' own. Not since the day 'he' was created. If 'his' master wanted 'him' to jump, 'he' jumped. If he wanted 'him' to fall, 'he'd' fall. Never once of 'his' own will. 

Tossed aside like a discarded doll at the end of the day, 'he' would lay in the dark corner of the cabinet with 'his' leg tangled around 'his' neck wondering the purpose of 'his' existence. Until the next day when 'he' would be picked up and dangled like a carrot in front of the audience oooohing and aaahhhing at his clumsiness. It was a mockery of 'his' existence. 'He' should live a better life than this.

But how could 'he'? 'He' was like a cripple. Unable to move on 'his' own. Depending on the mercy of Gestapo. If 'mercy' is a word that exists in this world. If 'he' was peeling or had an injury, more paint would be lathered on 'him'. No effort or even the slightest decency in giving 'him' a minor repair. 'He' was after all a marionette. 

'He' had enough. For far too long 'he' had been bullied and controlled. It was time 'he' did something with 'his' life that brought 'him' joy. But nothing brought 'him' joy except being free of those ugly, mouldy strings that manipulated 'him'. But without them, 'his' existence was nulled. 

'He' purposely fell across the scissors when Gestapo flung 'him' across the room onto the shelf after a lackluster performance. No fault of 'his' since Gestapo was slurring and couldn't even walk a straight line. But then, when was Gestapo ever in the wrong? Soon snoring was heard at the other corner of the room. 'He' immediately got to work.

Bit by bit 'he' sawed off the strings that bound 'his' life to slavery. Little by little 'he' worked to free 'himself'. 'He' ignored the cuts and the nicks. They didn't matter. Layers of thick paint were shaven off. And beneath 'he' saw 'his' true self. Plain and made of wood. But true to 'himself'. 

When the final string snapped, he never felt more free. For once, he felt dignified. He gingerly stood up and gave the world a final performance on his own. He jumped. The ride down was the best thing he had ever experienced. He was free. Even if it was for a three seconds.


HE was free.

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