Thursday 17 October 2013

The Perfect Sculpture

We were all born perfect. Blemish free. We were the 'perfect' marble slab until we began on the journey called Life. A few knocks, a few chips, a few cracks and we are labelled useless! We are labeled redundant. Or a FAILURE!

We parents have mini Protégés which we have been given the gravity-defying responsibility to sculpt. It's scary. How the hell are we supposed to know how to sculpt? I'm not a sculptor. I have no bloody idea on how to sculpt. I had almost lost my finger in the attempt to sculpt.

So we look for help and advice. On one side, you have parents hiring the Leonardo da Vinccis to sculpt a Greek god or Barbies out of their slab of marbles. If the chisel chips 1/1000 off the designated place, all hell breaks loose. The parents would wail and deem all was lost. Their protégé is RUINED! Leonardo would be discarded like a rag and it's-the-end-of-the-world-desperate-parent would look hastily for a replacement. Who is Leonardo by the way?

On the other hand, you have parents who love the smooth, perfect marble slab just as it is. Why bother to sculpt? It's already P.E.R.F.E.C.T! Just sit back, enjoy the wine of life and watch how people walk by and use that marble slab as a table or footstool. Hey, Que Sera Sera. What will be, will be! Chill man.

And now we have over-the-counter-mini-figurines that can be bought. This market has buffet spreads catered to suit your every whims and fancies. You can have mini models strutting in stilettos, mini scientists (think Einstein) and even mini chefs! The possibilities are endless.

So how do I choose?

I chose to sculpt my slab all by myself. 

I am no sculpture expert, not even close to passable. Remember that I had almost lost my finger(s). I'm neither an artist. But I'm a realist. I've chipped off chunks where I shouldn't have. I have caused my slab to crack in places that will cause others to gasp in horror. I have even dropped my slab of marble many times!!! 'Your sculpture is DOOMED!!!!!!' many have hollered at me. 

But I don't give a shit. 

Because with all its imperfections, cracks, chips and whatever blemish that I have managed to incur on my slab of marble, I have the perfect sculpture.

* When shit happens, we make manure!